Tuesday, April 26
O is for optimism!
ABC Wednesday is here.....
Not long to go now! I noticed there is bunting up in the village in preparation for the Royal Wedding on Friday. Looking through the TV schedule there are quite a few "wedding" themed programmes leading up to this mammoth event. I will be taking my seat early Friday morning and following the event with great interest and enthusiasm. The food will be prepared - English classics of course and we will be toasting the newly weds with bubbly. Other villagers will be popping in.
Whilst some have distanced themselves , as patriarchs we embrace such an event .
What are your plans?
Saturday, April 23
Downshifting Week

We have had a hectic few days – Friday was quite a day in itself. Our very good friends Keith and Dorothy came for lunch and we had a wonderful time.
No sooner had they left we had a visit from another really good friend Tracey Smith, founder of National Downshifting Week.
We have known Tracey for many years, it was great to catch up.

Tuesday, April 19
Niggles and Negativity
Monday, April 18
It’s that time of the year again!
Time to remove the dandelions! I detest this job but there is no alternative. Our hens eat part of the weeds so I will not use chemicals. Any suggestions?
Now the weather is nice I am working in the garden, so will be back in a while with improved patio areas – I hope!
Saturday, April 16
Hound Lemon!

Thanks to the information and tips you helped me with I chose Farrow & Ball Pale Hound (top) for the walls and Hound Yellow (bottom) for the chimney breast ! Our local decorator supplier mixed the colours for me, thanks to the tips you gave me I saved £60 on a 5 litre tin of emulsion – so am really excited about seeing the colours on the walls! The photograph doesn't really do the colours justice, but will give you an idea.

It has a definite green hue to it so when we get the carpet in it will all look splendid.Over the next few days this room will be finished and the furniture can be moved back in. Once finished Jon will do the chimney breast in the lounge. We want one room we can escape to!
The window fitter came last night and measured up for the replacement door/window in the kitchen. We all ready have the door and window so this will be a relatively small job.
We had a great day off yesterday – Jon had business in Kirby Lonsdale so it was ideal to go on the motorbike. We are off to Scarborough tomorrow as it is the Ian Watson Spring National Race at Oliver’s Mount Racing Circuit so all being well, let’s hold the weather is good! A good weekend in store me thinks!
Thursday, April 14
I have done it!
A very very BIG thank you to all of you who encouraged me to think outside the box and be brave!
Watch this space!
Tuesday, April 12
Management and Magnolia!
Today we have the joiner here fitting skirting boards and architrave. I found his details in a local town magazine. We phoned him, he came when he said he would, gave us a price and a day he could do the work. he is now here on the designated day. Of course it was down to the plaster drying but I am glad to say it has dried beautifully. Tomorrow the room will be painted which means that today I have to take the plunge and go and buy the emulsion. My SIL's partner has set up a home maintenance business and having seen the great job he made of my MIL's decorating, we decided to ask him to do ours. We would prefer to keep such tasks within the family.
Having reliable people involved has allowed the whole project to run smoothly. All involved have been either recommended, or are people we know and trust. I guess the many years I was deputy headteacher have it's uses - I would like to think I am a good organiser and it is a joy when surrounded by good, honest people. Tomorrow we have a builder coming to price a door for the kitchen and then the icing on the cake will be choosing a carpet for the snug. This will be fitted by our good friend Spud, who we have known for many years.
I have been looking at the colour chart and keep focussing on the very modest neutral colours - I am losing my nerve - BUT I AM avoiding the magnolia - it just keeps creeping up on me! I have to buy the paint today so I had better get myself into gear and do some matching of colour ideas.
It's all happening!
Watch this space!
For more ABC Wednesday Magic visit the link from my sidebar
Monday, April 11
View from the kitchen window and the Weekend
Just as we were having our breakfast yesterday we spotted this little chap nibbling away at the bird food! lol! The weather has been glorious. On Saturday we went to Harrogate on the motorbike to surprise our friends Dorothy and Keith. Dorothy is a fantastic cook, in fact they are great hosts but we didn’t want to put them to any trouble so it was just a cup of tea call.
Yesterday we went up to Northumberland with our friends John and Trish. We stopped at Corbridge for lunch then continued to Rothbury, we had a great day, travelling 200 miles in all.
It was great to get out and enjoy the sunshine. It is raining as I type, so we definately made the most of the weather I think. Now it is back to the DIY! We are moving onto the lounge now!
Watch this space!
Sunday, April 10
Not the Magnolia!
We are having a tootle up to Northumberland today so I will be thinking about colours! Have been greatly inspired by Farrow & Ball – we can actually buy this range in Whitby! The plaster is drying out nicely a few more days I think.
Got a builder coming round on Wednesday re fitting new kitchen door so he should be giving us a date for when he can come and fit it. Talking with Jon last night – once snug is finished and carpetted – ie by Good Friday we will move back in – and the snug will be our base whilst we work on the lounge. There is very little to do in there, compared to what we had to do in the snug. Jon has to move the aerial, re-position a couple of lights and build a chimney breast. We can leave the chimney breast for now – the laminate floor is to be replaced with a carpet. Fifteen years of tap tapping across the floor is quite enough! The carpet will be ordered at the end of June – ideal time to do the chimney breast – but other bitty jobs can be done!
Watch this space!
Friday, April 8
The plasterer has left the building!

The plasterer has done a great job. I think the coving will look great when all is painted. Hopefully it will take 3-4 days for the room to dry out. As the weather is good this should help the drying process.
We have to change the door round and replace the handle with a knob. Architrave and skirting need to be completed, then the decorating can begin! The switch panels too will be changed - brushed steel to match the doorknobs and my picture frame!
We have moved into the lounge so we can shut the door on the snug and leave it now. The weather forecast is good so we will have a couple of biking days! It will be a good opportunity for me to think about colour schemes. Definately white ceilings, coving, doors, architrave and skirting. Walls – hmmmm a creamy pale yellow and a sagey green? Will have a think!
Enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, April 7
Spring in the Dales
Tuesday, April 5
ABC Wednesday….L is for…….laying in the sunshine!
There’s nothing like a dust bath in the warm sunshine! Here you can see Ernest with May, having a cuddle! It always brings home to me how caged and battery hens miss out so much on an experience which all hens love. To see them, like this so happy and content always makes me smile.
The weather has been rather changeable but whenever we have a warm day the hens enjoy it so much.
Well, it is 3.34pm Tuesday and I have JUST finished the final wall paper stripping! Jon has some socket work to do, but my part is finally over and I can relax! Well not really – will be an early night for me as we are driving over to the Lakes tomorrow re Jon’s business – returning home tomorrow night - a long day but will take my camera along!
So – nearly time for the plasterer and I will be able to think about colours! Way hey!
Monday, April 4
View from the snug window – Monday morning!
Says it all really! Just making sure there isn’t an inch of wallpaper on the walls ready for the plasterer coming on Friday. I only have today, tomorrow and Tuesday as we are in the Lakes on Wednesday re Jon’s business. The window is a nasty piece of work as it would seem gloss paint has been applied over old paper – so this is taking quite a bit of elbow grease to shift – but I’m on the case.
Had a lovely day out yesterday with MIL – went to local for a carvery – delicious, just a shame we had to share a restaurant with the family from Hell! We are ruined really I guess as I always cook for the family. Our nephews absolutely LOVE cooked dinners and woof up all vegetables prepared for them – a joy to cook for really, but yesterday we witnessed children who were not use to eating vegetables and were not going to either – so why insist they eat them when out in public I ask? The tantrums, screams and shouting followed and I am sorry but in a public place ignoring such behaviour doesn’t wash with me. As a child mum would never bring attention to any bad behaviour – no she would speak very quietly, very directed, very much into my face and utter the words I dreaded…”Wait till you get home!” Yes – oh yes, how I feared those words. Still my MIL enjoyed herself which is all that matters. Next year however I notice Mothers Day is near her birthday again so we will be here – peace and quiet!
Right – back to work!
Sunday, April 3
For mum, with love.
From Ye Wearie Wayfarer
Question not, but live and labour
Till yon goal be won,
Helping every feeble neighbour,
Seeking help from none.
Life is mostly froth and bubble,
Two things stand like stone.
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in your own.
Adam Lindsay Gordon.

Saturday, April 2
Back to the grindstone!
Electrics preparation – so we had to chase some walls!
I have just removed the old skirting board and Jon is pulling wires upstairs – our bedroom, the landing and the bathroom!
Getting there!
Friday, April 1
Chicken happenings!
These photos were taken from the snug window! I could see something was of interest to Olwyn – it would seem that there are now 3 hens laying eggs here. I am having to make sure I remove all eggs on a daily basis as following the observed “activity” of Ernest the banty cockerel it would be quite possible that some of the eggs could be fertilised!
A good distraction from the DIY !