December has certainly been a busy time for the village. We were encouraged to apply for council funding to help with the purchase of some christmas lights and a tree. Whilst we have lived in the village for 25 years I have never known of a village christmas tree. For a few years there was one at the local pub but this hasn't been the case for the past few years.
The town council received some funds specifically for Christmas decorations - we were the only village without any form of Christmas display and as other communities had been given funding in the past we were optimistic our application would be approved - which it was. The town council supplied the tree and lights and the borough council provided funding for the icicle lights and electrician's fees. All work had to be super approved etc. so we were really pleased with the results. There was a lot of decisions to be made, organising etc. The choice of light colours and style fell on my shoulders but I knew it had to reflect the traditional village idyll - I think it did.
The lights were installed and on November 28th were switched on at our Christmas Coffee morning.
Another first for the village - a visit from Father Christmas. My friend Karen and I organised this event which was a success bringing funds for the Village Hall.
No sooner had we tidied away from the event, it was time to celebrate yet another first. The village hall Christmas meal. As I have shared here in previous months, I have been involved with village hall activities as I am now back on the committee. These events whilst raising funds have really brought the community together. All our events have been supported by the village. People attend and or supply prizes and baking ingredients. We decided to cook a meal for the residents of the village - a traditional Christmas dinner and for those who couldn't attend - a meal would be delivered.
We had a wonderful day - December 9th Karen and I cooked for 30, 12 delivered. Another neighbour provided entertainment so we had a sing song after the meal and a bingo session. It was a great success - we'll do it again in 2016.
Another first - with some of the proceeds from our fund raising events we paid for children under 12 to go to a pantomime. Parents paid a reduced ticket price - partly subsidised by the funds and we paid for the transport.
Not long after this I fell ill with the dreaded Christmas cold - which I could deal with, the dreadful chesty cough was another matter. It left me feeling really drained and with no energy for any Christmas preparations. Fortunately it was just Jon and I on Christmas Day so I didn't have the pressure of cooking for 8 people.

I bought a small turkey crown and piece of pork - it kept us going for 3 days! I prepared the vegetables knowing I had sufficient again for subsequent meals. Whilst I enjoyed our Christmas dinner during the period of my cold I lost my appetiti but found salmon sandwiches were a godsend and happily tucked into them on several occasions.
Our new member of the family remember?
I think it's safe to say she has had an enjoyable Christmas - certainly better than what was on the cards if we hadn't taken her in.
Bing and Sadie have had an enjoyable time too -
Their daily adventures on the beach ensure they sleep well!
2016 approaches - a lot to look forward to...........
Watch this space.
Y for Yule (ABC Wednesday)