I go to a pottery class every Tuesday - a few weeks ago I started preparing my Christmas project - tree decorations. I am selling these at our Christmas Coffee Morningon 28th November. As I was making them yesterday my friends in the pottery group were buying them. I have another batch which I have glazed waiting to be fired, ready for next Tuesday's class when I will add decorations and embellishments. Planning in advance is the key - so in January I will be planning for February - a Valentine theme I think.
Busy all the way - I have a supply of card & paper arriving today for a wedding commission I want to deliver before the end of November, so a quiet day should see me get this underway, then it will be a case of clearing the decks and having a day with the picallili, pickled onions and pickled egg preparation for 28th.
We are kicking off the weekend with a wreath making session on 27th in our village hall. I think about 20 are coming - lunch (my home made soup) afresh bun from our local baker and all materials provided £10 per person - a good price I think. This is the wreath we will be making....
So......back to the grindstone next time it ill be T for Treats...watch this space.
S - my ABC Wednesday contribution - floow the link in the right column to see more fun posts.