
Tuesday, April 21

Over the moon.

Bev is now out and about with Mabel and Olwyn. Here they are earlier today on the kitchen doorstep waiting for their 10 o'clocks. They are currently partial to red grapes.

After a baking session I saved all the left over pastry bits and served it for tea - they loved it.

It is lovely to capture the hens in their daily activities. Mabel does enjoy looking at the flowers - no she doesn't eat them.

A couple of days ago Bev made her way to the henhouse and laid an egg - a good indication she is well and truly over her ordeal.

The eggs from Bev are out of this world!

Over the moon indeed. ABC Wednesday.


  1. I love reading about your hens. They're so colorful - in so many ways.

  2. Welcome back Bev! xxx
    Love the nest boxes!

  3. awwwww Thank You for the update. I have been wondering how she was doing.
    She is very pretty.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. I'm so glad Bev has recouped and is now back in the egg laying business.
    It seems the scariness hasn't permenently harmed her.
    Great photos of your Dear Ladies.

  5. Like you I admire the golden colour of the yolks of my hens eggs - always pecking about in the grass - and a taste quite unmatched by anything you buy in the shops.

  6. Beautiful subject; beautiful writing...

  7. I like leftover pastry too!

  8. How wonderful to be able to grow, raise your own food.


  9. Hens are so very pleasant and make life really comfortable and cosy. Thanks for your post.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  10. Your chickens are blessed to have you as their caretaker. They are lovely and seem to be very happy too. Blessings!

  11. OOPs! I forgot to tell you I'm #28 at ABC Wednesday. Sorry!

  12. I've honestly never thought about the fact that chickens have daily lives. Love the one of Mabel and the flowers :)

  13. I love those hen boxes. What are they sitting on?

  14. Your hens have you as a friend and caregiver.You love them as pets. What a great arrangement!

  15. This is a great entry for today's A.B.C Wed site. We used to have hens.

  16. Chickens look like a lot of fun. When I was very little, I barely remember our Banty hen. We lived in sprawling Los Angeles, but at that time they were allowed. Down the alley they even had a rooster. Then times changed. Now things are swinging back and at least hens are allowed in many cities. - Margy

  17. They look wonderful - truly happy hens.

  18. Hi Denise,
    It is wonderful that Bev is well and laying again, her eggs look delicious.
    I just love the picture of my goddaughter hen, Mabel, admiring the flowers,.
    I'm going to have eggs for my lunch after reading this..
    Love Di.xx
    ABCW team.

  19. Good news.

    We have a lot of stale bread at the moment. I know ducks aren't allowed to eat it; can chickens? And before you suggest bread and butter pudding, please don't! I must take dieting more seriously!


Thank you for your comments, always nice to know somebody has taken the time to let me know what they think.