
Tuesday, February 17


It's pancake Tuesday today. Whilst I DONT have a sweet tooth I can eat pancakes for England, but that wouldn't do my diet any good. This version however is totally Fat Free! I ate mine with lemon juice and sugar substitute!.
You need....
3 Eggs
2-3 Teaspoons sweetener (depending on own taste)
3-4 Drops of vanilla essence
Seperate the white from the yolk and put into separate bowls, Whisk the egg white until fluffy and add the sweetener,
In the other bowl add the vanilla essence then fold the yolk into the egg white.
Heat a frying pan with frylight, add the mix and spread as you would a normal pancake (i made two out of this recipe) after a few mins flip over.
You could add any fruit or yoghurt for instance to make it how you like it


  1. We had pancakes too Denise, although with lemon juice and sugar. I ate too much.

  2. That sounds and looks absolutely mouth-watering! I wish we also had pancake Tuesdays in my country! I like all those British traditions.
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  3. Yum Yum,
    I've just made the batter, to be served with fresh lemon and caster sugar, just like my dear Mama
    used to make, I always think of her on Shrove Tuesday and Dad too, he loved pancakes.
    Because he had false teeth he used to make awful crunching noises when he was eating them.
    Much to the consternation of Mama, who used to say 'Really Fredrick must you make such an awful noise'. We kids, sitting around the table used to sit giggling, father carried on munching away, oblivious to Mama's protests,,,,, Golden days..
    See how your delicious looking pancakes have stirred such happy childhood days Denise....just what ABCW is all about...Thank you... Happy pancake day...
    love Di..xx I do hope Bing and Sadie had a pancake each !

  4. Is this a special day once a year or is it always Pancake Tuesday ?
    Your pancakes have no flour ? so it is really a very fluffy omelet.
    They look wonderful.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. opps, I have been so busy with Hamish I just remembered it is lent.
    We didn't have Pancake Tuesday but we did have Lent.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. we ate them saturday... always a treat ;-)

  7. Sounds like FAT-FREE Tuesday!

  8. don't think we will have pancakes at our house, not fussed about them.

  9. I knew it wood be food related, but didn't expect this lol. Another one for your video moments.

  10. I knew it would be food related but didn't expect this lol. Another one for your video moments

  11. those look tasty! At our Bible Study we had our Fat Tuesday breakfast. Yum, my fave was the King's Cake, no fat-free for me today; that comes tomorrow!

  12. Love pancakes with sugar and lemon juice, not only on Shrove Tuesday, - just any time at all.

  13. I love pancakes, but since I am diabetic I must limit myself.

  14. Yummy :) Love!
    I prepare adding some flour and milk with eggs. We can add salt and chilly powder too and it won't be a sweet dish :)

  15. My husband was recently a helper at a pancake breakfast and he brought home a jug of already mixed pancake goop....I can honestly say I'm getting a bit tired of pancakes! Thanks for sharing♪

  16. Looks delicious and perfect for Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday...

  17. I'd never hear of "Pancake Tuesday" until I moved to New Zealand. Must be the English heritage. The recipe sounds quite light, which is a nice change!

  18. I should have had pancakes like yours, but instead I had the big, fat, fluffy ones that my friend Margaret makes at her restaurant. Fortunately, I only eat there a couple times a month. She offers them as a free substitute for the hash browns. Now who can pass that up? - Margy

  19. I love pancakes with butter and sugar, not at all good for the diet, but definitely fantastic.


  20. love them and this recipe is wonderful.. am definitely going to try it soon..

  21. Recipe for parsnip and apple soup: sweat a couple of onions in a little oil until transparent - add one large or two smaller parsnips peeled and cut small and stir well so that all are coated with the oil. Keep sweating over a low heat and after two or three minutes add a bramley apple peeled, cored and cut smallish bits. Add a pint of veg or chicken stock and bring to a simmer, then simmer on a low heat until cooked. Liquidise and add a little single cream to thin down if necessary. Then add a handful of chopped parsley and a good lot of black pepper.

  22. Sound yummy. I'm always ready for Fat Free Food!


Thank you for your comments, always nice to know somebody has taken the time to let me know what they think.