
Monday, January 6

Zero Eggs

It has been some time since the gals gave us any eggs..... so I have put a group of golf balls inside their shed. I am hoping they will get the urge! Mabel and Eva spotted them this morning!

Watch this space!

Once again a complete alphabet covered in ABC Wednesday - next week we start Round 14!


  1. How on earth have you managed with no eggs from these formidable ladies! Hope you get some very soon!

    abcw team

  2. Are they molting? Mine took a long break all at the same time, now I'm getting too many! Lol

  3. Either that or they will turn your lawn into a putting green..

  4. The farmer says it is the short daylight hours and that once we get another fortnight over, if the sun comes out they might start again = we aren#'t getting any eggs either. Thank you for your lovely home made card - very clever.

  5. Goodness no eggs... is this common ?
    Do you need to put a light on every morning to wake them up ?

    cheers, parsnip

  6. Well, be FOREwarned, if one of those golf balls hatches, you'll have some explaining to do! TEE hee.

  7. Hope zero turns to 2 soon. :)

  8. The brood not in the mood?
    ROG, ABC Wednesday

  9. Does it only take the 'urge' to get these ladies going?

  10. Nothing like the power of suggestion!
    Hope it works Denise.
    It seems almost impossible that we will begin Round 14 next week. I find that quite amazing...

  11. I think that these hens are on strike; have you been treated them well?!Perhaps golf balls are not their ideas of incentive!! Kate, ABC Team

  12. Mrs. Nesbitt ~ I do hope you click on the orange link in my previous comment ;) It's a birdie!

  13. After 18 months they will lay much less, commercially that's when they get the chop and new stock are brought in, that's the reality. Sorry to be so blunt but I'm sure you're aware of that. Give them a few weeks to get back into egg laying condition and you may get a few more. Most breeds live to about 4 years so you see their life and laying cycle. We did have one that lived to 6, retired!

  14. They must be in a slump!!

  15. so the golf balls were there for a reason. When I was growing up, we always left one egg for the hen, (In Borneo)


Thank you for your comments, always nice to know somebody has taken the time to let me know what they think.