
Tuesday, November 20

S is for Shavings!

Our hens sleep on a bedding of wood shavings.
Each morning I scatter a good layer of fresh wood shavings onto their shelf.

The nights draw in so early now but they take up in various sleeping groupings each night.
We always see Eva and may at the far end - always Ernest and mabel nearest the door.
Olwyn and Bev seem to flit between one end and the other.

Each morning however as the hens leave their henhouse
a scattering of wood shavings is always evident.
We have tried straw before, but wood shavings definitely seem to be the cleanest and easier to manage choice. Our neighbour is a keen woodworker, only working with environmentally sound timber - so he supplies us with shavings - we supply him with eggs.
Good rarrangement I would say!
Except the gals are having a rest from laying eggs at the moment - but watch this space!
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  1. A fine arrangement you have their, makes everyone happy.

  2. The shavings must make the hen house very fragrant too!

  3. Nothing like a good bit of barter! Happy hens for it too!

  4. I think I would be happy if I were looked after as well as your hens -- but laying eggs, not so much.

  5. That is the best bartering ever. Wood shavings for eggs what a great idea.
    Love the little hen door !

    cheers, parsnip

  6. Those were the BEST eggs I have EVER tasted! Lucky you to be able to have them most days!

    abcw team

  7. That's a good arrangement with your neighbour.

  8. A great arrangement and really great look chickens! I have always wanted to keep chickens, but it's not feasible in the urban setting.

  9. I am now definitely beginning to think of your henhouse as a five star establishment Denise.

  10. Great choice for ABC Wednesday!
    Lovely chickens!
    have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  11. I just love reading about your 'girls' ... and Ernest. Have a wonderful week.

  12. Mutual agreements really work well.
    Love learning about your dear hens Denise.
    Have a wonderful rest of the week and congratulations on you "Skinny" award.

  13. A fine bartering brood, I like the fact you can track them with wood shavings. Neat arrangement.
    Joy - ABC Team

  14. Calling by from the ABC Wednesday meme, clever choice and you are right wood shavings are much easier as long as you have a constant supply, how convenient for you.

  15. I bet they love those!

    Hooray, I finally get my PC back so I am playing catch up with all of the S entries this week.

    SketcheS, please come and see.
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team


Thank you for your comments, always nice to know somebody has taken the time to let me know what they think.