
Saturday, September 25

All Change!

“To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.”

George Santayana

Having read recent comments it made me realise how fortunate we are to have the beach on our doorstep. I guess sometimes I take this for granted and only visit a couple of times a week, excuses ranging from it being too cold, too wet, jobs to do, etc. etc. you know how it goes! Yesterday I was reading somewhere of somebody who longed for the beach and really enjoys visits there as they feel really charged up and energised by such a visit. It really gave me a wake up call and I figured that I should embrace each daily walk and venture down on the beach come rain or shine. There are people who may not have access to a beach - so they can share my visits! That said - this morning the wind was howling and the rain was threatening to fall, so I wrapped up well and Freida and I drove to the beach. It only took us 5 minutes to get there and we had a great time.

I felt it appropriate to post the photographs in black and white as it just seemed to capture the mood on the beach. The sea was anything but calm, as it had been earlier in the week.

The weather forecast is not good for the North East coast and I now feel it appropriate to assume the next few weeks and months are going to continue to get colder and wetter - if any sunshine or clear days happen to come along that will be an added bonus, I am certainly not expecting as there are jobs to be done - the garden needs putting to bed, there are apples needed picking and chutneying, various tidying up, leaves constantly sweeping and I think we may have to light the Aga soon! Yes, changes are happening and in keeping I have changed the appearance of my blog - much more appropriate don't you think?


  1. Those photos really capture the chill.

  2. Great shots. Love the use of b/w with focal color.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  3. I think I must be one of those who have said how lucky you are to live so near the beach so I'm glad you are going more often and sharing it with us. :)

    I like your new Autumn look, very appropriate.

  4. Liz

    I hoped so - definately a change today!

    Darryl & Ruth

    Thanks - I love experimenting and let's face it - with such horrible weather out there I may as well use the time to faff on a bit!


    Indeed! Thanks for the boot up the backside! lol!

  5. I enjoyed this sequence of shots very much. You captured the beauty of the beach. I love the quote you started the post with because I love the changing seasons. I could never live anywhere (unless I had to) that didn't have four distinct seasons.

    Your husband's saying about what the light at the end of the tunnel signifies is great. So funny and I can relate. Thanks so much for mentioning that on the comment you left on my blog.

  6. These are beautiful photographs. As you know, I have Bamburgh beach on my doorstep and haven't been for a few years! I'm not a beach person, even though whenever I travel through the village into Seahouses I always imagine walking along the shoreline. Odd I suppose.

    CJ xx

  7. Carver

    Thanks - yes Jon does come out with some funny, dry yet hilarious and true sayings!


    We often come that way on the motorbike - we are always relying on the weather however - not so bad going just local but if we go further and it comes in cold believe me it is no fun! But yes - Seahouses I love the causeway and the puffins!

  8. I love the beach, too, but not in really hot weather. It's a good place to ponder life and dream of running away to exotic lands.

  9. Ewa

    We visited Ireland only once in 2005 and we didn't stop in the lovely places we passed through as we were with a group of bikers - I was the only woman with 13 strapping chaps - tough life but hey somebody has to do it! lol! We would love to go touring sometime.


    I know hun! One day you will come over and I will show you round all the lovely places we have on our doorstep.


  10. As Liz said, the photos capture the chill. I felt it in the first, and it just got colder and more dreary. It takes a true photographer to convey such a feeling.

  11. I would love to walk along any of those beaches, enjoying the cooler air and seeing the moody clouds. Great photos.

  12. It's only three weeks since I walked on a beach but I'm desperate to see the sea.... Unfortunately it's a six hour round trip!

  13. I would have loved to visit that beach with my camera - but I'll gladly settle for your photos (especially No. 2)

    PS We had 18 degrees C at our cottage today ;-)

  14. I readily admit I'm hopelessly in love with summer, and have an abiding crush on spring, with some affection for fall as well. Just not winter, sorry!

    Beautiful ocean shots.

  15. We had a similar day at Berrow beach last week, but at least it keep the fair-weather-walkers away LOL

  16. stunning photographs- full of atmosphere.
    I'm so lucky as I have a beach and streams right on my doorstep & a lovely dog to walk on them & in them !

  17. Well, hello Mrs N!
    Thanks for popping by to say hello!
    I loved the seascapes! We used to live by the sea when we lived in England/Scotland; it is something I miss here in landlocked Ontario.
    Gorgeous doggy too!
    Take care

  18. I'm glad I inspired you to go to the beach :-)
    It must be lovely to be within walking distance.
    I think that the sea has a calming effect. However, I don't like to be in it or on it! Just by the side of it to look at and to breathe it in.

    Your seaside looks similar to ours. I wonder if it is on the north west coast or the east?

    Thanks for adding me to the blog list.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  19. Very nice B&W photo, Denise!
    We have a really nice weather here in the west part of Norway. I can not call it Indian Summer because we have not had any cold weather first. But we can maybe call it a very late summer!!

  20. PS...... We live in Bristol. Same sea!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  21. Very beautiful photos and the blog is very nice too.

  22. You are right about black and white photos Denise - they capture it perfectly.

    We flew to Netherlands from Durham Tees Valley - under an hour.

  23. I love the photos Mrs N and the quote - Until I moved back to the country Id lost touch with seasonal changes now I notice changes every week!

  24. The black and white suits these shots so well. Very striking.

  25. Great images! Love the clouds and the waves. Looks dramatic in mono.
    And thanks for visiting!

  26. I'm one of those who envies your easy access to the beach, Denise; it's a three-day drive for me to reach the ocean!

    Love the quote; I was just saying the other day I wouldn't want to live somewhere where there wasn't a real change in the seasons.

    Thanks for dropping by recently; since I dropped out of ABC Wednesday, I've lost touch with many of my old friends. Good to see Frieda romping on the beach.

  27. Actually, I want to give the dog a great big hug ;-P

  28. I love all these monochrome photo's, nice shots and your blog does look lovely :-)

  29. I do enjoy a walk along the beach, and they appear to feature quite often here, even on a monochromatic autumn day.


Thank you for your comments, always nice to know somebody has taken the time to let me know what they think.